Gvaot Winery


Gvaot Winery is located in Givat Harel at the heart of

Samaria, on the banks of Nahal Shiloh. Around 800m

above sea level, this hilly region has an ancient tradition

of successful vine cultivation. The combination of

advanced technology with unique terroir, which is

especially conducive to high-quality vines, helps the

winery realize its vision of producing quality wines with

a distinctive character and flavor.

Still, even the finest raw materials require in-depth

professional knowledge and loving hands. Gvaot is a

boutique family winery founded in 2005 by entrepreneur

Amnon Weiss and Chief Winemaker Dr. Shivi Drori, an

agronomist and researcher in viticulture and oenology at

Ariel University. A research study led by Dr. Drori revealed

approximately 60 ancient varieties of wine grapes from the

Land of Israel in general, and Samaria in particular, from

which wines have been produced for thousands of years.

The winery produces just 40,000 or so bottles a year, in

order to give every bottle personal attention and maintain

high quality standards throughout the production process.

The wines undergo slow, cold fermentation for optimal

preservation of the grapes’ aromas and flavors, and to

create especially elegant wines.

Gvaot never compromises on quality, so every sip lets

you experience the wonderful poetry of this land, and

savor the winery’s tradition of quality and love for wine


הרב אלחנן בן נון, רבנות אזורית .O.K.  הרב מרדכי אונגאר דומ"ץ ניו סקווירא ניו יורק